Busy Week so far for Apple

The update gnomes at Apple have been busy this week…. Airport Express, New G5s, a new version of iTunes…

Between what’s been announced this week, and the big music event in London next week (rumored to be the release of iTunes Music store for Europe). Steve isn’t going to have anything to talk about at WWDC except for Tiger (10.4)!

G5s are now dual processors across the board…with the top end being a liquid cooled Dual 2.5 Ghz system… Still can’t afford them..but damn.. I want one.. can’t wait to play with the 2.5s..and see how the liquid cooling was implemented..the picture about it on Apple’s website doesn’t really show where in the system it is (I would assume that its now inbetween the front fans and the CPUs..or its part of the heatsink assembly).. It also doesn’t mention if there is an extra pump to keep the liquid moving or not… oh well.. still an amazing update.

Airport Express is a wireless access point (802.11g) that fits in the palm of your hand. It provides wi-fi support for up to 10 users, sharing of a USB printer, can be used to extend your existing Airport network, oh yea.. it also has an analog and digital audio output so you can stream your iTunes music wirelessly to your home stereo…all for the low low price of only $129.00

iTunes 4.6 is going to be released sometime this week… from what I’ve read in Apple’s announcement of it, it primarily just adds support for AirTunes (the tech to wirelessly stream to the Airport Express), common sense also dictates that 4.6 would be the iTunes version that includes support for the iTMS Europe (If its really getting released next week).

if this is the pre-show announcements…. WWDC ought to either have some REALLY good surprises, or there will be no hardware announcements, and it will be all about Tiger.