We went to see this last night (we went to the last showing, since we took Kael with us)
And its a good movie… Keira is a hottie (of course) and definitely looked good in her half-naked warrior’s armor as Guinevere. Overall, I like it. Its a different take on the standard King Arthur tale. Its an attempt to look at the ‘real’ events that may have inspired the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
It does start a little slow, and the story is predictable in spots, but that’s to be expected when you’re telling/re-telling a story that almost everyone already knows. Since its only rated PG-13, even the love scene between Arthur and Guinevere is very tame (just head and shoulder shots for the most part.) Good movie, go see it. I’d give it 4 stars out of 5.
On a semi-related note, Keira states in this article that if she felt it was necessary, she would do a nude scene. Here’s hoping she decides its necessary in one of her next roles!