Interesting Headlines

A few news articles caught my eye today…

The first one: [] is funny…apparently some guy was getting ready to shoot some puppies (that’s not the funny part…) and he was carrying two of the puppies, when one of the pups got ahold of the trigger..and shot the guy in his wrist. So..let that be a lesson to all you puppy shooters out there.. the dogs are starting to shoot back!

The second one: [] just pisses me off. Bushmaster has settled a lawsuit that was holding them partly responsible for the DC Sniper shootings (the gun the snipers used was made by Bushmaster).. this is the first anti-gun lawsuit that has resulted in any type of award going to the plaintiffs… and I’d have to imagine it won’t be the last one now. I just have one question.. how come none of these idiots that are suing gun companies for making guns, are suing car companies for making cars? It’s just as easy (actually, easier.. you don’t have to be 21 to buy a car) to kill someone with a car… how come the parents of the girl injured in Fort Collins while car surfing aren’t filing a lawsuit against Buick for not including hand/foot holds on the top of the car to prevent car surfers from falling off? why don’t the parents of these kids sue the manufacturer for making a car that can roll over?

What ever happened to personal responsibility? its not Bushmaster (or the gun dealer)’s fault that Malvo and his buddy were shooting people.. it’s Malvo and his buddy’s fault. These type of lawsuits are as stupid and frivolous as the ones filed by fat people blaming McDonald’s for making them fat (after all, McDonald’s has such a history of holding a gun to people’s heads and forcing them to order the Super Sized meals and then making them eat the whole thing)

Makes me think Shakespeare was right “Kill all the Lawyers” (no..I don’t remember which play/character said it) It’d definitely cut down the number of these stupid lawsuits