
Its still all the rage, everyone seems to want a Gmail account..

And, now, thanks to Judi over at Mom at Home Design, I’ve got one to play around with. The service does seem to be stuck in perpetual beta, and I’m not sure how thrilled I am with the prospect of Google’s software scanning all my email to deposit ads in there. The least they could to is provide commission off of any sales generated by click-thru of those ads. Oh well..if nothing else, given some of the topics my friends and I talk about via email…. it ought to be real interesting to see what ads they decide to stick in.

I’m hoping that services like Gmail, along with Yahoo and Hotmail having expanded what they offer for free to everyone will help push Apple to make a few changes to their .Mac service. Granted, I’ll keep using it without any changes, since its so easy to use for publishing pictures of Kael, and this blog… while I know I could learn what I need to know to host the server myself (assuming I ever get an ISP besides Comcast) its much faster and easier to let Apple do all the work.