.Mac Enhancements

I received a surprising email from Apple today..

In a move probably in response to Gmail, and the increased amounts of storage on yahoo’s mail (and similar services). I received the below email

We’re excited to announce that your .Mac membership now comes with 250

MB of combined .Mac Mail and iDisk storage. And, in another move

designed to make life easier as traffic grows heavier and files grow

larger, we’ve increased the maximum email message size to 10 MB.

If you haven’t tried them yet, be sure to check out two additional

enhancements recently added to .Mac Mail. There’s a new online spell

checker with a customizable dictionary available when you use your .Mac

Mail account through a browser. And you can now use aliases as email

addresses either for fun or as protection when you need to provide an

email address but aren’t entirely comfortable with the requester. If

your concerns turn out to be justified, you can then simply remove the

alias and create a new one the next time you face a similar situation.

We value your membership and hope you enjoy these enhancements to your

.Mac service.


The .Mac Team

I’m thrilled… I had just recently had to go and delete some of our picture from our homepage so this will prevent having to remove any of Kael’s pictures as we go.. And a cool thing about it, is that if you don’t use the homepage feature of .Mac you can use the whole 250mb for email.. which I think is plenty for most people. I need to check and see if additional email accounts got there storage increased to…

Just checked!!! and good news… email only accounts are bumped to 50 megs of storage… which is very cool.

All in all.. good job Apple! Thanks!