Star Wars: Episode III Trailer

It premiered Friday in front of Pixar’s The, of course its making its way around the ‘net.

I found a decent copy here. Its about 10 megs.. so if you’re on a slower connection you might want to wait for the official trailer release on or Apple’s Quicktime Trailer site so that you can pick from different resolutions.

My thoughts…. I can’t wait for May!!!! From what’s been revealed in the trailer, it looks like a fitting ‘end’ to the Star Wars Saga (or at least… the movies set in the SW Universe). I know Lucas has said on numerous occasions that all he plans on doing is 1-6, so, unless he has a major change of heart.. this is it… Although.. it now appears that there is a TV series being considered, and I’m sure the Comics and Books – And hopefully the RPG will continue to expand the universe..

I’m thrilled with the glimpses of Wookiees on Kashyyk, The emperor in a Lightsaber duel…the quick glimpses of space combat… from what I’ve seen, the opening combat sequences is supposed to be one of the best, and longest in movie history! I wonder if January is to soon to go stand in line?