Thanksgiving #2

So this was Kael’s second thanksgiving, and while its only been a year since his last thanksgiving (and, oddly enough…since everyone else’s last thanksgiving too), the differences between the two thanksgivings is….alot!

Last Thanksgiving, he was 3 months old…and was pretty much still in the eat, sleep, shit stage….with not a whole lot else going on… this year, its like he’s a completely different person.

He’s got a huge vocabulary, if I had to estimate it, I’d say he was in the neighborhood of 100 to 125 words that he can say (recognizably) on a regular basis… and he’s adding more every day! While he still spends plenty of time eating, and shitting… he doesn’t sleep as much. And when he’s awake, he definitely no longer lays there like a little log. It seems as if he’s never sitting still, he always seems to be in motion.

He’ll pick up one of his balls and go stand by the front door, bang on it, and scream “OUT! OUT! OUT! BALL! BALL! OUT!” when he wants to go outside and play. He’s gone from being more of a hinderance then a help when he wants to help you, to actually being able to help (at some things…). He’s got his favorite toys (Elmo, and trucks), he even has some books he likes more then others. And if his attitude now is any indication of what he’s going to be like as a teenager… anyone want to buy a baby? ;>

He’s already started doing chores too… Here he is helping take out the trash!

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Now, every time we change his diaper, we hear “Tash, Tash! Tash!” and he takes his diaper over to the trash can and throws it away (or in the case of poopy diapers, we throw them in a ziplock bag and then he throws them away). The downside (is there a downside to a 1 year old volunteering to do chores?) is that we can’t leave stuff in plastic bags where he can see them..apparently, all white plastic bags (or ziplock bags) are “Tash! Tash!”