Comcast’s DVR

So…. I sent Comcast an email trying to find out more about their DVR

Just little things, like the size of the HD, when it will be available.. .that kind of stuff. Here’s the response I got:

The DVR has an 80-gigabyte hard drive, offering at least 30 hours of

recording time. The variance is based on whether the recorded programs

are transmitted in analog or digital format; digital programs use less

space on the hard drive. Recording programs in HD format requires more

memory, reducing the number of hours of programming that can be stored

to approximately 7 hours.

DVR is currently available in limited service areas but will soon be

available to many Comcast customers. I am sorry but DVR has not yet

been launched in your area. At this time we have no time frame as to

when this will be rolled out in your area.

So…its not available in my area (which I knew)…and from what they’ve told me about the unit, combined with what I’ve read online in reviews of the unit… I don’t think I’ll be getting Comcast’s DVR when it is available… since, it apparently has a shitty UI, bad featureset… and from Comcast’s email… a very short recording time…looks like its a TiVo for me.. that is, as soon as they get around to releasing a stand alone HDTV compatible unit…