Sex is in the news

Seems to be making quite a few headlines in the last day or so…

First, you had Alanis Morrissette’s (That’s probably spelt wrong…but oh well!) “Naked” protest at the Canadian version of the Grammies… she was apparently protesting the FCC (presumably-possibly her record label) making her remove the word Asshole from one of her songs, and replace it with ‘nightmare’. If you want to read all about it click here

Then a judge in Maine (ironically .. ‘Bang’or) has allowed a couple of women to legally jog naked in Maine (isn’t it cold there? I would think that jogging naked in Maine would be….. uncomfortable). Seems Maine law describes indecent conduct as knowingly exposing genitals in public. And, you would think that naked jogging would fall under that description. However, it appears that Maine has decided that a Female’s genitals are ‘primarily’ internal. So, when one of the accused asked the arresting officer if he’d seen her genitals… he responded with a no. Guess the cops in Maine are going to start having to carry speculums to arrest people for indecent conduct. Here’s the link to that article.

And my favorite headline for this week… Everyone knows sex feels good (if it doesn’t… you’re not doing it right). Now, you can (if you’re a male) tell your partner that the more often you have intercourse, the better your chances of avoiding cancer are… sounds like a prescription to a lot of fooling around to me. At least 21 times a month according to the article! Here’s the link Now.. go tell your partner you need help with a medical condition!