Real Food!

Real Food!

Since Kael is 20 weeks old now, we figured we’d start him on real food

So, we got him some Rice cereal, mixed it up with his formula like your supposed to, and had something resembling pancake batter that had been left out for like a week or so! Then, we threw a bib on Kael, and started to feed him. Turns out, we really should have covered ourselves, and the furniture with plastic sheets…


And since that was so successful, we tried some more this morning:


And we must have done a better job mixing the Cereal this morning, because as you can see, Kael grabbed the spoon and tried to feed himself.

I suppose we’ll stick to Rice Cereal for a little while, and then move on to one of those yummy baby foods, like liquid carrots!

1st Christmas

In case you missed it, today is (was) Christmas, which means that this was the Big K’s first Christmas..

So, last night we went to Jan’s parent’s house to eat dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Great-Grandma, Aunt’s, and Aunt’s Boyfriends…

After eating it was off to open the mountain of presents that were piled there for Kael. For the most part, it was a bunch of small presents, with only a few huge ones. I think his favorite present, is the handmade rocking dinosaur from Grandma and Grandpa… of course… he won’t be able to use it for awhile still, since he can’t sit up by himself, so he falls off of it. But he’ll be rockin away on it soon I’m sure.

After opening gifts, Kael fell asleep. We hung out for a bit longer, and then loaded the loot into the car and headed on home.

Once home, the Big K put out his cookies and Kool-aid for Santa and then he went to bed. After he went to sleep, we finished putting out his gifts.

This morning when he woke up, the cookies and Kool-Aid were gone, and Santa had left him some toys and a note thanking him for the cookies!. We then spent the rest of the day lounging around the house and watching TV (Finished the LOTR:Two Towers extended edition, and watched the Hulk and Bad Boys II on DVD). Look for pictures coming to the regular homepage soon.

Sleeping through the night!

Kale slept through the night for the first time (again)

He’d done it to us before, but he was just teasing apparently, because he did it for 2 nights, and then went back to getting up every hour or hour and a half. This time, it looks like its for real! He’s slept through the night the last 4 nights. And it doesn’t look like he’s going to change his mind! Granted, with tomorrow being Christmas eve, and us going over to Janice’s parents’ house and then home, I’m sure he’s going to wake up a couple of times tomorrow night, just to get us back for putting him in the car seat!

First Night of Chanukah

Friday night was the first night of Chanukah. Which of course, means that it was Kael’s first Chanukah.

We went over to my Mom’s house. Had dinner (Potato Latkes, of course) and then proceeded to open gifts.

Kael’s big interest for the night, turned out to be the wrapping paper. He loves the sound it makes (and apparently, the taste of it too, as he kept trying to eat it). He opened his gifts, with a little help from Janice. He got the full set of Baby Einstein videos, some cloths, and a Leap Frog Learning drum. Look for pictures of him playing with his presents, and possibly the video of him opening them in the next day or so on the “normal” part of the site (

Janice, Kael, and I are exchanging our gifts to each other tonight, so I’ll update the photos, etc.. after we get done (or tomorrow.. one of the two)


Finally got a chance to play Halo

Granted, its’ only been out for like a week. But Its one of the most delayed games ever for any PC. It was originally supposed to be a simultaneous release for Mac and Windoze, but after M$ purchased the developer, they killed everything except X-Box development. So its finally released!

Loads of fun.. only had a chance to play through the first level (just got off the ship, and landed on the big ring), but its a good FPS. I’m going to remap some of the keys, so I can use my Nostromo gamepad, which should make it a bit easier. Haven’t had a chance to play Multi-player yet…but based on past FPS games, the multi-player should be fun too. If you don’t have it.. go buy it! its a good shoot-em up!

EDIT: One big complaint… The game doesn’t take advantage of my widescreen monitor, which supports up to 1440*900 resolution. It looks like the highest resolution supported is 1024*768, I don’t know if thats a game limitation or a limitation of my video card.


Seems this site no longer shows up on Google.

Its really weird to. Yesterday, Janice and I were able to google for “Kael Tepper” and my Blog was the first result. She called her mom, and her mom tried to google from a Google bar for her version of IE for Windoze (5 or 6 I think). And she got no results. We stopped by there, and I tried the same search from’s home page.. and my Blog was the first result, but going to resulted in this site not coming up. We tried it later from my Mom’s house, and couldn’t find the Blog on Google anymore. So apparently, my Google listing was only good for a few days =)

LOTR: Return of The King

Got a chance to go see the last movie in the trilogy on Friday.

We considered trying to go Weds. night, or even to the midnight showing on Tuesday night.. but Kael was not cooperative.

So we went to a matinee on Friday… and all I can say is DAMN! it was an awesome movie. Good Special Effects, good acting, good script. Hopefully this one will get Peter Jackson a Oscar for Directing… but.. probably not, since we all know that the MPAA doesn’t like giving Oscars to Sci-Fi or Fantasy movies (the ‘technical’ Oscars don’t count).

Back to the movie:

Even with the differences between the books and the movies (all 3 of them) Overall, the trilogy did a very good job bringing the story to the screen. The battle scenes in “Return of the king” were amazingly well done. Even the “cheesy” special effects looked good.

Definitely a must see.

M$ sued again!

This time its by Real Networks.

There are a couple of different articles about it… here’s a link to one on Cnet It basically boils down to Real Networks suing Microsoft for yet again flexing their illegal monopoly, this time be making it difficult for any other media players to compete against Windows Media Player (how appropriate that its abbreviated down to WMP).

Hopefully, the judge that hears this case, will find Microsoft guilty (since they’ve already been found guilty of being a illegal monopoly). I realize that Real’s lawsuit won’t result in M$’s monopoly being completely broken, but, since the US Justice Department wimped out, the only hope for any real punishment for M$ is the EU, and all these anti-trust lawsuits by individual companies, and that class-action lawsuit filed against them in California..


It finally happened! I’ve been Googled!

I don’t know when it happened, all I know is Janice and I were sitting around looking up public records on the internet (its amazing what you can find out… for example, did you know that there have only been 9 divorces filed by people with the last name of Tepper in the state of Colorado? and thats since like 1923 or something like that…

Anyway.. while we were looking around, I decided to do a search on Google for Kael Tepper, and my Blog was the first result on the page. Pretty Cool =)

Santa Who?

We took the big K to the mall to see Santa Claus today.

We were worried that Kael might be one of those kids that started screaming when we sat him on Santa’s lap. Shouldn’t have been concerned though… since he sat there without any problems. Couldn’t get him to smile though:


Even without the smile, he’s a cute kid (if I do say so myself)