Kael’s four month Dr. Appt.

So, Kael turns 4 months old next week, but his 4 month Dr. appointment was today for scheduling reasons

And the Dr.’s exact words were:

“Developmentally Excellent”

Which is a good thing.. it being a 4 month appointment, Kael was due for some shots… so he got them… of course.. he screamed.. and he’s still overly fussy from them.. but he’ll be better by morning (or at least.. he was better by morning after his 2 month shots).

25 Inches tall, 14.4 Lbs

And even though we were looking forward to starting him on solid food after his appointment, the Dr. recommended we wait until Kael is at least 5 months old, seems that babies that start eating real food before then are at a higher risk for food allergies, so it looks like Kael’s first food may be at a Superbowl party! (Hopefully watching the Broncos)

Battlestar Galactica (pt. 2_

The Sci-Fi Channel aired part 2 of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series last night. I had to work, so I didn’t get a chance to watch it until today…

Part 2 was better then part 1, it had a much faster pace, more space battles (well.. one big battle), good character development and a few surprises..

Definitely something I’ll watch if Sci-Fi decides to put a series out…

However (there’s always a however isn’t there?) I have one complaint about the mini-series in general.

What’s up with having Faster then Light engines, but no lasers? I mean.. I know that Space:Above and Beyond (another great series that got cancelled before its time) had FTL engines and machine guns in their fighters…but that series was set to be much more “real-day” (or almost) then BSG seems to be…. so if you guys at Sci-Fi are listening..add some lasers in when you make the series… even if its just for the handguns!

Another chance to make fun of Micro$oft

an amusing article from The Register

The Register is reporting that after months of running Microsoft.com on Linux servers (you know..one of the operating systems that Gates and Ballmer say is less secure and reliable then windows) Microsoft has finally (a little before Thanksgiving) decided to go back to running their website using their server software…guess they finally got around to patching some of the holes in their software, so their machine can be connected to the internet with out constantly rebooting itself!