M$ sued again!

This time its by Real Networks.

There are a couple of different articles about it… here’s a link to one on Cnet News.com. It basically boils down to Real Networks suing Microsoft for yet again flexing their illegal monopoly, this time be making it difficult for any other media players to compete against Windows Media Player (how appropriate that its abbreviated down to WMP).

Hopefully, the judge that hears this case, will find Microsoft guilty (since they’ve already been found guilty of being a illegal monopoly). I realize that Real’s lawsuit won’t result in M$’s monopoly being completely broken, but, since the US Justice Department wimped out, the only hope for any real punishment for M$ is the EU, and all these anti-trust lawsuits by individual companies, and that class-action lawsuit filed against them in California..


It finally happened! I’ve been Googled!

I don’t know when it happened, all I know is Janice and I were sitting around looking up public records on the internet (its amazing what you can find out… for example, did you know that there have only been 9 divorces filed by people with the last name of Tepper in the state of Colorado? and thats since like 1923 or something like that…

Anyway.. while we were looking around, I decided to do a search on Google for Kael Tepper, and my Blog was the first result on the page. Pretty Cool =)