1st Christmas

In case you missed it, today is (was) Christmas, which means that this was the Big K’s first Christmas..

So, last night we went to Jan’s parent’s house to eat dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Great-Grandma, Aunt’s, and Aunt’s Boyfriends…

After eating it was off to open the mountain of presents that were piled there for Kael. For the most part, it was a bunch of small presents, with only a few huge ones. I think his favorite present, is the handmade rocking dinosaur from Grandma and Grandpa… of course… he won’t be able to use it for awhile still, since he can’t sit up by himself, so he falls off of it. But he’ll be rockin away on it soon I’m sure.

After opening gifts, Kael fell asleep. We hung out for a bit longer, and then loaded the loot into the car and headed on home.

Once home, the Big K put out his cookies and Kool-aid for Santa and then he went to bed. After he went to sleep, we finished putting out his gifts.

This morning when he woke up, the cookies and Kool-Aid were gone, and Santa had left him some toys and a note thanking him for the cookies!. We then spent the rest of the day lounging around the house and watching TV (Finished the LOTR:Two Towers extended edition, and watched the Hulk and Bad Boys II on DVD). Look for pictures coming to the regular homepage soon.