The Sci-Fi Channel aired part 2 of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series last night. I had to work, so I didn’t get a chance to watch it until today…
Part 2 was better then part 1, it had a much faster pace, more space battles (well.. one big battle), good character development and a few surprises..
Definitely something I’ll watch if Sci-Fi decides to put a series out…
However (there’s always a however isn’t there?) I have one complaint about the mini-series in general.
What’s up with having Faster then Light engines, but no lasers? I mean.. I know that Space:Above and Beyond (another great series that got cancelled before its time) had FTL engines and machine guns in their fighters…but that series was set to be much more “real-day” (or almost) then BSG seems to be…. so if you guys at Sci-Fi are listening..add some lasers in when you make the series… even if its just for the handguns!