As a birthday present for me, my in-laws all got together and got me a gift subscription to Netflix
We’ve received three movies so far : T3: Rise of the Machines, Bend it like Beckham, and a interactive DVD game called Scourge of Worlds..
While I’ve never seriously considered a Netflix subscription before (I prefer to buy the movies, not rent them). I think its going to be a good thing overall since Kael has come along we haven’t exactly had a lot of time to go to the movies, so this will give us a chance to catch up on what we’ve missed, and I can use it to watch the movies on my ‘maybe’ list so I don’t go out and spend 20 bucks on a movie that ends up being lousy…
However, I don’t like Netflix’s website, its to slow and not intuitive to navigate… so.. I use Netflix Freak (available HERE ). I haven’t ponied up the share ware fee yet, but I will before the trial period runs out. It is a much better interface then the website and adds some cool extra features like the ability to shuffle your rental queue! a must have for any Netflix member (err..provided -of course- that you’re using a Mac….They don’t make a windoze version)