Steve Jobs unveiled a whole slew of new goodies today
Where to begin, where to begin…
1. xServes updated to G5 chips, giving them something like 30 GigaFlops of processing power
2. xServe RAID updated, now supporting up to 3.5 Terabytes of storage (thats a LOT of porn– And it would probably hold quite a bit of other data, should you choose to store your Porn elsewhere)
3. Business card sized mini-iPods, in a variety of colors
4. Final Cut Express 2.0
5. updated versions of all the iApps, except iTunes. And added GarageBand to the mix, which really looks like it will be fun to play with. I’m really looking forward to some of the new features in iMovie and the expanded storage via iDvd (up to 2 hours per disc) will definitely make it easier for me to finally get around to doing something with all the footage of Kael I’ve got laying around.
All in all, a pretty good MW, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the new apps….