Busy Day!

Oh where to start… do I talk about Britney’s marriage to some guy she went to school with? The Mars Rover? The Europeans’ still missing Mars craft?

Let’s start with the dumbass down in Florida (click here ) who not only shook her baby (causing Shaken Baby syndrome, cranial bleeding, and eventually death).. but since apparently that wasn’t enough for her.. she also BIT her 10 month old baby on the back, leaving visible bite marks. Then she can’t even keep her story straight to the cops, she apparently thought she had a boyfriend who abused the baby, and then seems to have remembered that she isn’t actually dating anyone. Lock her up, toss the key!

So… that brings us to space exploration! In case you missed it… late last week the European Space Agency landed a rover on Mars…and lost it sometime after it entered the atmosphere.. to date, no attempts to contact it have been successful including a couple of attempts from NASA’s Mars ships (en route to Mars at the time) to pickup the missing rover (Beagle 2) signals as Beagle’s landing site was flown over. Yesterday, our rover landed and today it made contact with us, sending it first pictures. A few days ago, we sent a probe into the tail of a comet to grab a handful of meteor dust so space programs everywhere are busy….maybe we’ll end up back on the moon soon.

and of course…Britney Spears tied the knot early this morning to a childhood friend….of course the article states that she’s going to have the wedding annulled, and mentions rumors of her being so drunk that she couldn’t walk…. wonder if she had a chance to consummate her marriage before she passed out into a drunken stupor?

(you can find links to all these articles on CNN.com, and probably every other news site out there)