SF: Grand Opening

Apple opened another retail store yesterday (Saturday the 28th)

If I can count right.. its the 76th store opened… and the first one in San Francisco. Its another flagship store. Which means its multiple stories, has the cool glass staircase, a comfy theatre, and about a bazillion people in line for the opening.

Apple has posted a gallery from the opening, you can see it here.

Something new at this opening, was allowing people to purchase ‘surprise bags’ for $249. Each of which contained anywhere from $600 to $1000 worth of Apple and Non-Apple goodies (I haven’t seen a full list, and not of all them contained the same thing apparently) But, it would be interesting to see if they sold out of the bags…

Clone Wars: Season 2

Its almost time…

The second and final season of Clone Wars animated shows (they fill in some of the story between Episodes II and III) is going to begin airing on Cartoon Network on March 26th… Cartoon Network is now starting to run some commercials for it, although they don’t have any up on their website yet. If you really want to see it… follow this link …(Quicktime required)

Star Wars on DVD

So, according to the rumor sites (you knew there were Star Wars rumor sites didn’t you?)

It appears the packaging for the DVD release of the original Trilogy (Episode 4,5, and 6) this September. Go here (some French site) for a peek at them..

At first glance, my preference is going to be the Jedi vs Darkside packaging…. (everyone make note of that, in case you’re planning on buying it for me). Although, the Imperial Collection would probably be my second choice.

Even Microsoft loves the G5

Everyone knows its one of (if not the) fastest, most powerful chips out there.

And even M$ wants in on the action… rumors indicate that M$ is now shipping the Xbox2 SDK… which just happens to be a PowerMac G5 dual processor system….and the Xbox2 is supposed to also contain at least one variant of the G5 chip… so if M$ is truly going to run the Xbox on a PowerPC chip (remember, Nintendo runs the game cube on a version of the PowerPC G3).. I wonder if it would make it easier for game developers to port their xbox games over to the Mac?

Odd Headlines

So.. I fire up Safari earlier, and let it go to the default homepage (apple.netscape.com/apple.adp)

And the top link, under ‘Need to Know’ is “No. 1 way to hide an affair

Which really raises the question… how slow of a news day is it? They couldn’t have talked about Bush trying to rape the constitution? The group of Scientists who want the government to increase NASA’s funding so they can start planning on how block an asteroid from ramming into the Earth? Eminem suing Apple because some kid sung his song in one of the iPod commercials? Clinton Portis being traded to Washington? The end of Fox’s ‘My fat obnoxious Fiance’ series?

Apparently not.. its much better to provide couples with ways of hiding their affairs from each other…. (And some of their advice just looks like you’d be begging to get caught if you were to follow it!)


So..its like night 3 now..

and the questions are just getting stupider..

For example, one guy had this question in order to win $50,000.00

“In the US, what day do record companies normally release new CDs on?” (or some variant there of… I don’t remember the exact wording)

I mean… come ON! I think Kael could have answered that one correctly (if he could talk… and if he knew what a CD was) I don’t think there isn’t anyone who doesn’t know that new CDs and new DVDs come out on Tuesdays… just like most new theatrical releases are on Fridays or Wednesdays…

what’s next? the 10 million dollar question becomes “Who is hosting ‘super’ millionaire?”

On a related note.. Windoze’s inherent insecurity was also one of the questions (I think it was only a $10,000.00 question though) ‘The fastest spreading virus in internet history was released in January 2004’ (For those that missed it.. MyDoom became the fastest spreading virus shortly after it began spreading)

Most Secure OS

OK, so this is nothing new to most Mac users….

But.. it’s official now.. at least according to a British security group…

According to mi2g OS’ running varients of the BSD family of unix (including Mac OS X) are the most secure out there. mi2g only dealt with overt digital attacks..they completely ignored viruses and worms..so windows had fewer breaches then I would have expected…

another highlight.. “recorded breaches against government servers running BSD or Mac OS X worldwide fell to zero in January 2004.”

Celebrity Mole:Yucatan

Season ended tonight, and we find out that the mole is…

Angie Everheart…. so… Both Janice and I ended up being wrong. And of course, when they go through and show the clues that they provided in each episode…they all seem incredibly obvious after they announce who the mole is.. but the clues are things I didn’t even look at when looking for the clues put in to the show…

Still can’t figure out why we watch The Mole, of all the tv shows we watch…its gotta be one of the dumbest… we must watch it because there is nothing else on…..

Oh No! The Big 0.5!

Ok.. so technically, the big 6 month mark for Kael was yesterday…

But… his 6 month Dr. appointment was this afternoon.

So, we headed off to the Dr.’s office… Kael was weighed, measured, poked…prodded and pronounced to be an excellent example of a healthy baby! His official #s are: weight: 16 Lbs 9 Oz. 27 Inches tall, and a 44cm head. Physically he is developing normally… mentally, the Doc said he was exceptional! Of course..he was a big hit with the nurses, and he spent quite a bit of time flirting with them all.. he even let the nurse who gave him his shots hold him afterwards (after Janice had held him and calmed him down).

While we’ve started Kael on solid foods, we figured we’d check with the Dr. and see if he had any recommendations as far as timelines to add new foods etc… He said that Kael could start eating the ‘biter’s biscuits’ or sucking on a bagel.. but that it was also generally a good idea to follow the APA’s recommendations…but if we felt he was ready for more food we could try it..

So.. we went to the store, and bought him a box of biscuits… look for the pictures here in our most recent photo album update. There’s also some pictures of him eating Avocado (YUCK!)

iSync 1.4

Get it while it’s hot

Now in your software update … iSync 1.4 provides support for more Symbian OS smart phones as well as other enhancements and improvements…