Odd Headlines

So.. I fire up Safari earlier, and let it go to the default homepage (apple.netscape.com/apple.adp)

And the top link, under ‘Need to Know’ is “No. 1 way to hide an affair

Which really raises the question… how slow of a news day is it? They couldn’t have talked about Bush trying to rape the constitution? The group of Scientists who want the government to increase NASA’s funding so they can start planning on how block an asteroid from ramming into the Earth? Eminem suing Apple because some kid sung his song in one of the iPod commercials? Clinton Portis being traded to Washington? The end of Fox’s ‘My fat obnoxious Fiance’ series?

Apparently not.. its much better to provide couples with ways of hiding their affairs from each other…. (And some of their advice just looks like you’d be begging to get caught if you were to follow it!)