
So..its like night 3 now..

and the questions are just getting stupider..

For example, one guy had this question in order to win $50,000.00

“In the US, what day do record companies normally release new CDs on?” (or some variant there of… I don’t remember the exact wording)

I mean… come ON! I think Kael could have answered that one correctly (if he could talk… and if he knew what a CD was) I don’t think there isn’t anyone who doesn’t know that new CDs and new DVDs come out on Tuesdays… just like most new theatrical releases are on Fridays or Wednesdays…

what’s next? the 10 million dollar question becomes “Who is hosting ‘super’ millionaire?”

On a related note.. Windoze’s inherent insecurity was also one of the questions (I think it was only a $10,000.00 question though) ‘The fastest spreading virus in internet history was released in January 2004’ (For those that missed it.. MyDoom became the fastest spreading virus shortly after it began spreading)