Summer Movies

So, it looks like most of the previews for this summer’s movies (at least the big ones) are out.

And I think at this point, it looks like this summer is going to be a much better summer for movies then last year…

Here’s some of the ones I think look good, and that I’m hoping to see… (Links go to either the movie’s official site, or Apple’s quicktime trailer site)

Dawn of the Dead

The Day After Tomorrow

Aliens Vs. Predator

King Arthur


The Punisher

Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse

The Chronicles of Riddick

Van Helsing

Now…. whether or not I can convince Janice to actually go see any of these movies with me is a completely different story….


So… I kept meaning to baby proof before Kael started to crawl..

And.. it looks like I’m all out of time… at the end of last week, he was crawling – kind of – he was doing a commando style, dragging himself along by his arms sort of crawl…

And yesterday… his crawl has turned into something much closer to a real crawl…but not quite… he now moves along like an inchworm. He’ll stretch out with his arms..pull his legs and butt up and then push his arms forward and repeat the whole process. He’s not speedy gonzales by any stretch of the imagination…but it won’t be long now before he is zooming along.

I think…instead of baby proofing… I’ll just attach a big bungie cord to the center of the ceiling in the living room.. and then attach Kael to that so he can’t get near any of the wall outlets, sharp corners, dog food, doors, etc….

Tooth Time!

So… Kael has been working on getting his first tooth for a week or so now..

And its finally cut through his gum enough that you can see it when he smiles at you, instead of having to pry his jaw open and shove his tongue back to get a look at it. I’d post a picture of it, but our camera isn’t good enough for anyone to be able to see the tooth in the shot yet… (Hey… what do you expect, its like 4 years old and only 1.3mega pixels).

So…any day now.. the big K should discover what it feels like when he bites either his tongue, or one of his fingers from sticking ’em in his mouth and chomping down… and having been bitten by his not all the way there tooth before… it hurts! So I’m sure the little guy won’t enjoy it!