10.3.3 And iTunes

Apple released a minor OS Update today… so go launch Software Update and get yourself a bunch of update-y goodness. And another iTunes Music Store milestone….

The iTunes Music Store sold its 50 millionth song last Thursday afternoon…something by Sara McLaughlin if I remember what I read in the press release correctly…. and that 50 million does NOT include any of the songs downloaded as part of Pepsi’s 100 million song giveaway! Not bad for a music store all the ‘experts’ keep saying is going to fail…

For comparison’s sake.. the most recent numbers released by Napster show that it has sold 5 million songs…. which is what the iTunes music store sells in about 3 weeks (something like 1.3 million songs/week at the moment for iTMS)

Here’s what’s new in 10.3.3:

The 10.3.3 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for Mac OS X v10.3 “Panther” and is recommended for all users.

Key enhancements include:

• network volumes are now available in the Finder sidebar and Desktop for convenient access

• improved file sharing and directory services for Mac (AFP), UNIX (NFS) and PC (SMB/CIFS) networks

• improved PostScript and USB printing

• updated Disk Utility, DVD Player, Image Capture, Mail and Safari applications

• additional support for FireWire and USB devices

• improved compatibility for third party applications

• previous standalone security updates and Bluetooth Update 1.5

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n25711

Crawling and More teeth!

So… on the heels of my last mention of crawling…

This past Friday, Janice called me at work to let me know that Kael’s stiff armed slow crawl… has improved to a full-blown baby hauling ass around the apartment crawl…..

And he still somehow manages to get into everything we don’t want him in…

His second tooth is starting to come in…. We were finally able to snap a picture showing him with his one tooth grin.. Its not the best picture.. but at least you can tell where the tooth is..
