
So, I was working on updating the pictures of Kael on our homepage

The update is viewable here. And Janice comes out of the kitchen and looks into the living room where Kael was playing. Next thing I know she’s screaming “Oh My God” and I rush to look, thinking that Kael has jumped through the patio door, or climbed into the fireplace or some other such traumatic event. Turns out.. Kael has learned to pull himself into a standing position using the couch, and even did a little cruising up and down the couch. We’ve got some video and pictures of it, which we’ll get added to the site within the next day or so.. or…. possibly longer now that we have to spend a bit more time chasing Kael around….

Dawn of the Dead

So, I went last night to see the remake of Dawn of the Dead

Not a terribly scary movie… good gore though. Its been awhile since I’ve seen the original, so I don’t know how close to the original they stayed with this remake. I did just add the original the my Netflix queue, so I’ll get to see it again soon.

Overall, I liked the movie, it was a good Zombie flick. Like I said, not really scary (there are few of the required ‘something jumping out at a character and try and scare the audience’ moments) it did have some hilarious lines in it though. If you’re a zombie movie fan, definitely a must see.

The theatre I saw it at had trailers for Van Helsing (A different one than the Superbowl trailer which has been online for awhile), The Punisher (also a different one that what’s been on line), Chronicles of Riddick, and Troy. All of which look pretty good. And any of the 4 that weren’t on my summer movie to see list is now there (Except maybe Troy…I still haven’t made up my mind if I want to pay to see that in a theatre or just wait for the DVD)