Microsoft found to be illegal monopoly, again.

This time, its the EU that has smacked them around for being an illegal monopoly, and it looks like their proposed fines/settlement is more severe then the wimpy wrist slap that the US DOJ gave them

M$ will have to pay the equivalent of $613 million.. which for them is no big deal.. the more important parts of the settlement are that M$ must make a version of windoze available to european PC manufacturers that does not contain the crappy Windoze Media Player embedded in it, M$ also needs to release portions of their server code to other server software manufacturer’s so that their servers can interface better with desktops running windoze…

It’ll be interesting to see what parts of the settlement stand up to the appeals processes. All I can say is GO EU! smack M$ around…take away their ball, and send them to their room with no dinner! Oh yeah.. and break up their illegal monopoly while you’re at it!

Political Comment

Ok.. so I normally don’t spend alot of time talking about politics… mainly because I think almost all of the government is completely corrupt and grossly abusing their power at our expense….

But.. I want to make a prediction… I firmly believe that our Government knows exactly where all the top members of Al Qaeda are, and have known for quite some time.

After over a year of looking, we suddenly ‘find’ #2…at about the same time that the administration comes under fire for not doing enough to win the war on terror…

I believe that within 30 days of the election this November, that we will ‘surprisingly’ find Osama bin Laden… and that the government will use their media influence (read that as control) to ensure that it is the top story long enough to practically guarantee a re-election of everyone in office right now..

Now, I don’t think this would change even if it was somebody else in the oval office…its to good of a ploy to get re-elected to ignore… And.. it’ll probably work.. and we’ll end up with another four years of the same shit we’ve gone through for the last decade or so… only to have the figurehead replaced in four years… so that nothing will change…..

Odd Headlines

So.. I found another bunch of odd headlines… which I guess is really not all that uncommon, given all the weird shit that happens in the world…

So here are a few…

This one sounds like something straight out of the movie Super Troopers. Click here – I can almost picture the cop jumping over the counter and starting to beat on the kid.

And this one goes to a guy who thinks the world is flat…and that everyone else in the world is part of a giant conspiracy to fake the Earth’s roundness!

this one is about a 75 year old lady ripping off car dealerships by writing bad checks for cars, and telling the dealers that her stockbroker would send her money….

Always lots of weird stuff going on….Of course.. .what’s really bad is that some of these links end up listed as ‘top stories’ on some of the news sites…taking precedence over real news…