Dawn of the Dead

So, I went last night to see the remake of Dawn of the Dead

Not a terribly scary movie… good gore though. Its been awhile since I’ve seen the original, so I don’t know how close to the original they stayed with this remake. I did just add the original the my Netflix queue, so I’ll get to see it again soon.

Overall, I liked the movie, it was a good Zombie flick. Like I said, not really scary (there are few of the required ‘something jumping out at a character and try and scare the audience’ moments) it did have some hilarious lines in it though. If you’re a zombie movie fan, definitely a must see.

The theatre I saw it at had trailers for Van Helsing (A different one than the Superbowl trailer which has been online for awhile), The Punisher (also a different one that what’s been on line), Chronicles of Riddick, and Troy. All of which look pretty good. And any of the 4 that weren’t on my summer movie to see list is now there (Except maybe Troy…I still haven’t made up my mind if I want to pay to see that in a theatre or just wait for the DVD)