Crawling and More teeth!

So… on the heels of my last mention of crawling…

This past Friday, Janice called me at work to let me know that Kael’s stiff armed slow crawl… has improved to a full-blown baby hauling ass around the apartment crawl…..

And he still somehow manages to get into everything we don’t want him in…

His second tooth is starting to come in…. We were finally able to snap a picture showing him with his one tooth grin.. Its not the best picture.. but at least you can tell where the tooth is..


Summer Movies

So, it looks like most of the previews for this summer’s movies (at least the big ones) are out.

And I think at this point, it looks like this summer is going to be a much better summer for movies then last year…

Here’s some of the ones I think look good, and that I’m hoping to see… (Links go to either the movie’s official site, or Apple’s quicktime trailer site)

Dawn of the Dead

The Day After Tomorrow

Aliens Vs. Predator

King Arthur


The Punisher

Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse

The Chronicles of Riddick

Van Helsing

Now…. whether or not I can convince Janice to actually go see any of these movies with me is a completely different story….


So… I kept meaning to baby proof before Kael started to crawl..

And.. it looks like I’m all out of time… at the end of last week, he was crawling – kind of – he was doing a commando style, dragging himself along by his arms sort of crawl…

And yesterday… his crawl has turned into something much closer to a real crawl…but not quite… he now moves along like an inchworm. He’ll stretch out with his arms..pull his legs and butt up and then push his arms forward and repeat the whole process. He’s not speedy gonzales by any stretch of the imagination…but it won’t be long now before he is zooming along.

I think…instead of baby proofing… I’ll just attach a big bungie cord to the center of the ceiling in the living room.. and then attach Kael to that so he can’t get near any of the wall outlets, sharp corners, dog food, doors, etc….

Tooth Time!

So… Kael has been working on getting his first tooth for a week or so now..

And its finally cut through his gum enough that you can see it when he smiles at you, instead of having to pry his jaw open and shove his tongue back to get a look at it. I’d post a picture of it, but our camera isn’t good enough for anyone to be able to see the tooth in the shot yet… (Hey… what do you expect, its like 4 years old and only 1.3mega pixels).

So…any day now.. the big K should discover what it feels like when he bites either his tongue, or one of his fingers from sticking ’em in his mouth and chomping down… and having been bitten by his not all the way there tooth before… it hurts! So I’m sure the little guy won’t enjoy it!

Humor: Guys Answer to Valentine’s Day – Mildly offensive to some (I’m sure)

This first started making the rounds last year around Valentine’s day…

And it’s back this year…. don’t follow the link if fellatio offends you..

click here.

So, guys.. make sure you’re girlfriend/wife/friend with privileges or whatever you call her marks the day on the calendar! (oh… and if she’s not sure of her technique.. there appears to be a link from the above referenced page that provides a ‘how-to’

I’m going to set a reminder in Janice’s iCal =)

E-mail Stamps?

So… according to CNN, Bill Gates thinks its a good idea

And while I do think that SPAM sucks… I don’t think that charging ‘normal’ people to send an email to their mother, father, friends, mailing lists..etc is the way to combat it. I can see why Gates does…after all.. he’s got more money then he knows what to do with. And its obviously easier for him to say ‘charge people for email’ then it is for his company to write software that’s secure enough to prevent any one of the 81,000 viruses that exist for windows from turning the unsuspecting windoze user’s machine into a zombied spam bot!

Sure.. he can afford to pay for email ‘postage’ but what about those people who think they’re already paying way more than their internet connection is worth, now you want them to start paying more to email their relatives, friends, possible employers..etc? I don’t think the guys in M$ Research who have been working on this for 3 years really thought this one through…

Besides… who get’s the ‘postage’ the ISP that is already over-charging for the service they provide? The recipient’s ISP? The developer of your email program of choice? The government? Me? You? what happens if the sender/recipient are in two different countries? do you pay ‘international’ postage? What if they are on the same ISP, and the message never hits the internet in general? do you still pay? After all… you’re not tying up anyone’s resources except those you’ve already paid for….Nope…Stamps are definitely not a good thing for email… look what the Postal Service’s annual (or at least, felt like annual) increases of a penny for a stamp have done… I don’t think I know anyone who uses the Postal service for more then paying bills now, and thats only those bills that can’t be paid online! charging postage for email will have the same effect on email usage…

Since the CAN-SPAM act amounts to beating the spammers with a wet noodle… maybe we should look for a more realistic law to prevent spamming… the No-Call list has worked for telemarketing (at least for me… we don’t get anywhere near the number of calls we used to), I think a properly ran No-email list could at least reduce the amount of spam floating around. Or, everyone could switch to an email client that has really good SPAM filters in it, and just let them get deleted without ever getting read like I do!

Unique Legal Defense

This is definitely in the “you’ve got to read it to believe it” category….

Cruising CNN yesterday, I found this article (which was actually one of CNN’s top stories at the time). Go read it…

Yep… you read it correctly, the ladies entire defense is that she was giving head to the guy that died in the accident. I think my favorite part in the article, is the State Attorney’s response :

“His pants could have been down because he was mooning a car he was drag racing,” Platt said. “His pants could have been down because he was urinating out of a window. His pants could have been down because he wasn’t feeling well.”

To bad the U.S. has such a short attention span that CNN will never post a follow up article, to let us know if her defense was successful or not…

Bye-Bye Eisner

Ok… technically, he’s not gone yet… but its definitely a step in that direction…

In case you missed it.. Disney had their annual shareholder’s meeting yesterday, and something like 43% of the shareholders voted against Eisner as CEO/Chairman of Disney. Several called for him to quit outright, instead of waiting for his contract to end (2006).. In response, the Disney board split Eisner’s duties… he is CEO, but no longer Chairman. The board of directors voted unanimously to fill the Chairman seat with George Mitchell (who only 25% or so of the shareholder’s voted against….nothing like the lesser of two evils huh?)

Driving Lessons

Figures… most kids get their driving lessons at 15 or 16…

Not Kael… he apparently wants to start driving before he can walk:


Obviously, the picture can’t show you the noises he was making, and I know it was completely coincidental but he sound like he was making engine noises while he was ‘steering’ the car… he’s such a ham..