Definitely not something that would happen at most interviews..
So.. here’s the deal, apparently when you go to interview at Hooters you are required to change into your ‘uniform’ so that they can see how you represent the company (I could just be this one guy that made them do it). Turns out, a bunch of girls interviewing for a Hooters restaurant that is supposed to open in April were told to go into a trailer, and change into a Hooters’ uniform (For those of you who don’t know what the Hooter’s uniform is click here – The bottom half of the uniform is a pair of small gold shorts). Apparently there was a webcam, or video camera also up and running in the changing trailer, because police found 180 digital videos when they raided the trailer last month…. for the full story click here …… And of course… this being the internet age… I wonder how long it will be before the videos are available online….