Apple Announces 8Ghz Chips!

In a completely unexpected move from Apple – they change chips!

A press release was issued today that announced products starting to ship TODAY! with a top speed of 8Ghz!

Here’s an excerpt from the release:

Apple Computer, in a move to meet customer demand for chips with higher clock speed, even if they are lower powered then the current line of PowerPC chips revised their entire lineup this morning. A statement from Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs said, in part, “We thought our customer’s understood that clock speed wasn’t everything, I mean.. we introduced the world’s first 64-bit desktop computer based on the PowerPC G5 chip last summer.. and people are complaining that its clock speed isn’t as fast as some of Intel’s 32-bit chips! Since our customer’s apparently aren’t ready for 64-bit high-powered goodness, we’ve decided to move back to the PowerPC 603e chip. Yes, its much less powerful then our current line of G4 and G5 chips, but, it does have a high clock speed”

The line up now looks like this:

Dual Processor 8.0Ghz Power Mac -10GB HD, 128MB RAM – CDRW drive – $5500.00

Single Processor 7.0 Ghz Power Mac – 10 GB HD, 128MB RAM – CDRW drive – $4500.00

PowerBook03e – 5 Ghz – 7 GB HD – 128MB RAM – CDROM drive – $3500.00

iMac – 3 Ghz – 5 GB HD – 256MB RAM – CDRW drive – $2500.00

iBook – 2 Ghz – 5GB HD – 128MB RAM – CDRW Drive – $3000.00

Hurry… go buy yours today from!

Yep….yet another reminder that today is April Fools Day…

Microsoft Announces no new security flaws or viruses

In an amazing press release from M$…click read more for the details

Redmond WA – Associated Press – This morning, Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates issued a joint statement confirming that there have been no new security flaws found, or viruses released for any version of Microsoft’s flagship product, Microsoft Windows. “This morning, we are proud to confirm that there have been no new security flaws found, or viruses released for Window. This marks the first time in the history of the Windows operating system that we have gone 20 minutes without either a security flaw, or a new virus.” said Bill Gates. Steve Ballmer followed up with “This is the sort of reliability and security that our customer have come to expect from our new security initiative. If our schedule sticks, we hope to be up to a 45 minute period by this time next year”

The full press release is available from Microsoft here

One more thing…. April Fools!