1st Passover

Passover is this week, and the Big K got to go to his first sedars

Sedars are the big, fancy dinners held on the first 2 nights of Passover. The first night, we went to a friend of my Mom’s house, and since we didn’t know in advance what would be served (ok.. we knew some of it, since it seems everyone has at least a few of the same things) We didn’t let Kael eat anything except his formula and Cheerios (which, by the way, are pretty much the only solid food he gets excited about eating… He should get an endorsement)

The big excitement came Tuesday night, when we had the sedar dinner at my Mom’s house. At Kael’s last checkup, I double checked with the Dr. (who also happens to be Jewish) to see what food Kael would be able to eat at Passover. After getting the OK for the foods I wanted to feed him.. Janice and I talked to my mom, who would be doing all the cooking.. to make sure she cooked a couple small batches of foods without any seasonings, and with as few ‘extras’ as possible. Mainly, I wanted him to eat chopped liver, matzoh, and horseradish… I was overruled on the horseradish – something about melting the poor baby’s sinuses and taste buds. So, Kael’s Passover dinner consisted of Chopped liver, Matzoh, and Cheerios (which I don’t think are technically Kosher…but.. he’s not even 8 months old yet, so I don’t think it really matters.

There’s a .Mac photo-album posted (you can get to it here ) with all the pictures from the big night… but here’s my favorite so far:


This was taken right after his first bite of Chopped liver… guess it might not be his new favorite food!