And You though your job was rough

It could be worse… you could be the leader of the terrorist group Hamas

Definitely not a job for anyone who plans on living long enough to retire… they’ve gone through 2 leaders in a months time. Apparently, whoever decides to run this particular terrorist organization has a habit of getting blown up by missiles. Wonder what kind of benefits Hamas offers to make up for the “your replacing the guy who got blown up last week… we expect you to be blown up by the end of next month… want the job?” job offer they have to make (Free Latte at Starbucks?)

Don’t get me wrong.. I’m thrilled that terrorist leaders are getting blown into little itty bitty pieces.. I just think it’d be hilarious to hear the job offer they make….

Hamas has apparently picked a new leader… and their keeping it a secret who it is this time… so I bet this guy lasts 2 months…