Apple Announces 8Ghz Chips!

In a completely unexpected move from Apple – they change chips!

A press release was issued today that announced products starting to ship TODAY! with a top speed of 8Ghz!

Here’s an excerpt from the release:

Apple Computer, in a move to meet customer demand for chips with higher clock speed, even if they are lower powered then the current line of PowerPC chips revised their entire lineup this morning. A statement from Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs said, in part, “We thought our customer’s understood that clock speed wasn’t everything, I mean.. we introduced the world’s first 64-bit desktop computer based on the PowerPC G5 chip last summer.. and people are complaining that its clock speed isn’t as fast as some of Intel’s 32-bit chips! Since our customer’s apparently aren’t ready for 64-bit high-powered goodness, we’ve decided to move back to the PowerPC 603e chip. Yes, its much less powerful then our current line of G4 and G5 chips, but, it does have a high clock speed”

The line up now looks like this:

Dual Processor 8.0Ghz Power Mac -10GB HD, 128MB RAM – CDRW drive – $5500.00

Single Processor 7.0 Ghz Power Mac – 10 GB HD, 128MB RAM – CDRW drive – $4500.00

PowerBook03e – 5 Ghz – 7 GB HD – 128MB RAM – CDROM drive – $3500.00

iMac – 3 Ghz – 5 GB HD – 256MB RAM – CDRW drive – $2500.00

iBook – 2 Ghz – 5GB HD – 128MB RAM – CDRW Drive – $3000.00

Hurry… go buy yours today from!

Yep….yet another reminder that today is April Fools Day…