FCC Madness

As everyone knows…since Janet’s Boob the FCC has been trying to get stricter controls over what is allowed to be said in on the Radio, TV, etc..

Apparently, the FCC and the rest of the government is no longer concerned with that little document called the Constitution, which, amongst other things, ensures something called Freedom of Speech. Now that some prude in the FCC saw a 5 second image of a boob, and then re-played that same 5 seconds like a billion times on his TiVo. They’ve decided that Howard Stern is ‘obscene’. Granted, he does say/do some gross things on his show, but nothing that I would say is obscene. Of course, they’re doing it “to protect the kids”… Got a news flash for the FCC and the rest of the anti-free speech members of government.. Its not your job to decide what my kid needs protecting from… that’s the job of a parent. Its the parent’s responsibility to turn the TV off, or change the channel, same thing with Radio… if somethings on that I don’t want Kael to see/hear.. I change the channel – I don’t try and change the world to suit my definition of ‘safe programming’ . Let the movie studios, television, and radio produce and air whatever they want – and let them air it WHENever they want… let the parent’s decide what they want their kids to see/hear on TV/Radio/Movies…

Just keep in mind.. you may think its OK if the government goes after “shock jocks” like Howard…but will you be ok when they decide a joke your favorite radio/tv personality told was obscene? and get him/her pulled from broadcast?

Go here : www.stopfcc.com – Yes, its an online petition and it doesn’t really accomplish much..but when you follow that up with letters/phone calls to your congresspeople it might actually accomplish something.