Interesting News Stories

Another round of interesting news articles out there today…

To start with… here’s a good quote from New York’s Mayor:

“It’s just unacceptable that somebody can walk down the street and get electrocuted … We’ve got to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Apparently Con-Ed has a few shorts in their wiring, and its electrifying manhole covers/grates/etc.. in parts of the Big Apple. Who knew that walking your dog in NYC could be lethal! Full story here.

A couple of Miami DJs are in trouble with the Federal Censorship Committee for prank calling Fidel Castro… so, to get back at the FCC, the DJs are planning on paying their fine in person, in cash – well.. in pennies to be precise… here’s their story. And now would probably be a good time to mention again, if you haven’t already done so.. go sign the petition, and follow the link to the ACLU’s fax your senator thingie…