So.. the first week of the 2 week season is over
And I missed Friday night’s.. dammit… Luckily every episode aired so far, is available from Cartoonnetwork , granted its in a ‘low resolution’ format.. so its only like 120×280 or something like that. Still its better then not being able to see it at all. Hopefully, Cartoon Network will do like they did at the end of season 1, and run the whole second season at once, before they air episode 20. Or, maybe George will figure out that yet another way to make money off us Star Wars fans, will be to release all 20 episodes on DVD… since most of the Star Wars fans I know would buy it.. as long as it wasn’t more then like $20.00.
Anyway.. so far Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus have recruited Assa Venture (I think that’s the chick’s name…) to kill (or attempt to kill) Anakin. Anakin has disobeyed Obi-Wan (Big surprise there, huh?) Mace kicked an entire robot army’s ass by himself, Yoda is rescuing Baris Ofee and one other lady Jedi who’s name escapes me at the moment – while kicking a robot army’s ass by himself…just so he can one-up Mace.
So, just like the first season, the animation and the story telling is excellent… the voice work is close enough given that they aren’t using the ‘real’ actors. I’d love for Lucas to give the OK, and actually have a 30-minute long cartoon series set somewhere in the Star Wars universe… if its done by the same guys doing the Clone Wars stuff, it’d be a hit.