Review: The Day After Tomorrow

Just got home from a ‘sneak preview’… thanks to the nice folks over at Starland

And I must say, I enjoyed the movie!

Yeah.. there were a couple of ‘cheesy’ moments (and few bad FX shots).. but overall the story was consistent, acting wasn’t bad.. and the FX were good (Note to whoever did the FX for NBC’s 10.5 — Watch this movie to learn how to properly destroy entire cities via natural disasters!). Of course, the ‘moral’ of the story was laid on very thick.. and its kinda funny that one of the scenes that got the most laughter was when Dennis Quaid’s character drove up in a Hybrid car…

As far as disaster movies go.. I’d have to say that this is the best one I’ve seen in awhile… predictable in a few places.. but most movies are these days, so thats forgivable. Between this and Shrek 2.. I’d have to say the Summer movie season is off to a good start… Plan on seeing this one..

10.3.4 Available Now

Should be in your software update, or get it from Apple’s website

Here’s the blurb on whats updated:

– improved file sharing and directory services for Mac (AFP), UNIX (NFS), PPTP, and wireless networks

– improved OpenGL technology and updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers

– improved disc burning and recording functionality

– iPods connected via USB 2.0 are now recognized by iTunes and iSync

– additional FireWire audio and USB device compatibility

– updated Address Book, Mail, Safari, Stickies, and QuickTime applications

– improved compatibility for third party applications

– previous standalone security updates

Safari does seem snappier… must have implemented some of the changes Dave Hyatt talked about here . I’ve downloaded it and ran it on my iMac… no problems so far.. so everyone update away!


Kael’s been able to stand while holding on to something for awhile now (pretty much since he started to crawl)

Yesterday though.. he started to stand all on his own. He’ll pull himself up on something (the couch, our legs, a wall, the dog.. whatevers handy) and then let go.. the longest that we’ve seen him standing by himself for, so far, has been about 10 seconds..

This morning, he stood up, and then applauded himself… right until he toppled over. I’m sure it won’t be to much longer now, before the little guy is standing all the time, and walking…

9 Months Old!

Kael turned 9 Months old Yesterday..

So today, Janice and I took him to the Dr.’s office for his 9 month checkup. Dr. G says he’s doing great, and called Kael a showoff… He is officially in excellent health….

After the Dr.’s office, we took him to the Zoo (Kael and I were going to take Janice for Mother’s Day..but apparently, everyone else in Denver had the same we went today). You can view the pictures of Kael’s trip to the Zoo here.

Here’s my most recent pick for ‘future embarrassment material’ to use when Kael starts dating…

Img 0070

Parents can be so cruel

In a perfect example of what not to name your kid…

Gwyneth Paltrow had a daughter on Friday… and named her Apple Blythe Alison Martin. Why is this bad? Because just imagine.. this poor girl is going to grow up hearing things like:

“I’d like to take a bite out of that Apple” , “Eating an Apple a day keeps the Dr. away”, or…if the girl ends up being fat “the Big Apple”… this is why parents should think like kids when they are picking names… at least you’ll know what kind of teasing your kid is going to get for the name you picked!

Star Wars: Episode III

According to the rumor sites, the working title for Episode III is now “Birth of the Empire”.. apparently there is some doubt, since this would be yet another movie with ‘of the’ in the title. I’m not sure why that would make a difference.. but apparently it does…

Anyway.. Lucas should be announcing the real title within the next month or two….

P2P’ers Get Burned

LOL! Apparently, there is a fake version of MS Word 2004 (Just released for the Mac) floating around on some P2P networks

And, in a case of pirates getting what they deserve… it deletes most (if not all) of the files in your home directory. A good first tip off… if MicroSloth was going to release a demo of Office 2k4, or any of its parts, chances are..they would not choose to distribute it over a P2P network.. and .. since its file size is only 108k… when’s the last time M$ wrote any of their bloat ware that small? I think their icons are even bigger then that!

so.. if you’re stealing software over P2P networks..don’t run the 108k version of MSWord =)

And no.. I don’t think this is some kind of huge security risk for Mac users… I can write a batch file for windows that does the same thing, and a script file for *nix that does the same thing… this is all about safe computing.. if you don’t trust the source of your files 100%.. don’t open them in an account you aren’t prepared to have erased. And anything off a P2P network.. not a source to trust 100%

Mother’s Day

As everyone knows, this past Sunday was Mother’s day

And obviously, in addition to it being Kael’s first Mother’s day, it was Janice’s first mother’s day as a Mother. To celebrate, Kael and I made breakfast. After breakfast, we were going to take Janice to the zoo, and spend most of the day there. However, apparently everyone in Denver had the same idea about taking their wife/mother/whoever to the zoo… because we drove in circles for almost an hour looking for a parking space before we gave up. Who would have thought that the zoo would be a popular Mother’s Day destination?

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

This really cool game, set about 4000 years before episode I was released last year for X-box and Windoze..

And today, Aspyr announced that they are porting it over for the Mac. I remember asking Bioware to port this to the Mac back before they even released it for Xbox… Definitely a must have game for Star Wars fans… Available in August for the Mac, pre-orders now being taken by Aspyr. start begging them to port KOTOR 2….

Security Update

Apple today released Security Update 2004-05-03

In addition to the enhancements made in the 2004-04-05 release, today’s release included updates to these services:

AFP Server



Hit the update button now!