Just got home from a ‘sneak preview’… thanks to the nice folks over at Starland
And I must say, I enjoyed the movie!
Yeah.. there were a couple of ‘cheesy’ moments (and few bad FX shots).. but overall the story was consistent, acting wasn’t bad.. and the FX were good (Note to whoever did the FX for NBC’s 10.5 — Watch this movie to learn how to properly destroy entire cities via natural disasters!). Of course, the ‘moral’ of the story was laid on very thick.. and its kinda funny that one of the scenes that got the most laughter was when Dennis Quaid’s character drove up in a Hybrid car…
As far as disaster movies go.. I’d have to say that this is the best one I’ve seen in awhile… predictable in a few places.. but most movies are these days, so thats forgivable. Between this and Shrek 2.. I’d have to say the Summer movie season is off to a good start… Plan on seeing this one..