9 Months Old!

Kael turned 9 Months old Yesterday..

So today, Janice and I took him to the Dr.’s office for his 9 month checkup. Dr. G says he’s doing great, and called Kael a showoff… He is officially in excellent health….

After the Dr.’s office, we took him to the Zoo (Kael and I were going to take Janice for Mother’s Day..but apparently, everyone else in Denver had the same idea..so we went today). You can view the pictures of Kael’s trip to the Zoo here.

Here’s my most recent pick for ‘future embarrassment material’ to use when Kael starts dating…

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Parents can be so cruel

In a perfect example of what not to name your kid…

Gwyneth Paltrow had a daughter on Friday… and named her Apple Blythe Alison Martin. Why is this bad? Because just imagine.. this poor girl is going to grow up hearing things like:

“I’d like to take a bite out of that Apple” , “Eating an Apple a day keeps the Dr. away”, or…if the girl ends up being fat “the Big Apple”… this is why parents should think like kids when they are picking names… at least you’ll know what kind of teasing your kid is going to get for the name you picked!