iTunes 4.5

I’ve had a little time to play with it now..

And I think it was a good update. One of my complaints about ‘smart’ playlists in the previous versions of iTunes, was that you couldn’t specify a playlist as the ‘source’ of the ‘smart’ playlist. So, for example, if you had a playlist and you wanted to create a smart playlist that only played songs off that list that you hadn’t heard in like 3 days , you couldn’t do it (unless that ‘source’ list was a unique genre, same artist, etc..). With 4.5, you can now specify a playlist as one of the criteria for the smart list.

Party shuffle – this is similar to the ‘shuffle’ feature in earlier version (and thats still there), except, you can now see what the next songs are going to be, and re-arrange them as you see fit. A click of the refresh button, re-randomizes the list.

Free music – Ok..technically, this isn’t a feature of iTunes 4.5…but.. I like it.. granted, I don’t normally listen to any of the Artists who have had ‘free’ songs so far this week (one a day for 8 days, then it goes to 1 a week). But, its a chance to hear a song from someone you might not normally listen to at no expense to yourself.

If you haven’t updated yet… go get it!