AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I hate this fucking company! I can’t believe how bad they are
Ok.. here’s my story. its a tad on the long side..but after reading it.. I’m sure you’ll agree that SUCKS!
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I hate this fucking company! I can’t believe how bad they are
Ok.. here’s my story. its a tad on the long side..but after reading it.. I’m sure you’ll agree that SUCKS!
Aple Expo Paris started today…and the keynote (given by Phil Schiller, Steve is still recovering from surgery) had some good stuff
The big item… the new iMac G5! Its a complete redesign of the iMac G4..and it looks pretty interesting. All the ‘guts’ of the computer have been moved into the display housing. So, you get a display that looks pretty much like the aluminum studio displays (a bit thicker, though) and all the goodies tucked neatly away.
17″ or 20″ Widescreen.
1.6Ghz or 1.8Ghz G5 CPU
up to 2GB of RAM
GeForceFX5200 (64MB VRAM)
80 or 160GB HD Standard (Upgradeable to 250GB)
Combo or Superdrive
Airport Express Ready, Optional built in Bluetooth
Starting at $1299.
Can’t wait for the local Apple Stores to get them in to play with.
Also announced at Schillernote… 5 million songs sold through iTunes Music Store – Europe (not bad for 10 weeks). Since this is the first day of the expo. Look for a whole mess of product announcements from various Apple related companies…., technically, Kael’s first birthday isn’t until Tomorrow (the 16th), but we had his party yesterday…
And of course, he made a haul when it came to the goodies! When our lease is up, we’re going to have to move to a bigger apartment..not because we don’t like it where we are, or anything like that…but because Kael has got to much stuff!
He got a ton of Elmo stuff, more Little People, Clothes, Mega-Blocks, and pretty much anything a baby could want for his Birthday.
He finally got his first taste of cake.. we’ve been making him wait until his birthday to have any (Yes, I know..we’re such mean parents!). And compared to some of the 1st birthday babies I’ve seen eat in the last month.. he came out pretty clean (at least, his skin wasn’t dyed for 2 days like some babies). Of course..the big surprise, is that Kael made it a full year, with 2 parents who had no clue what they were doing when he showed up! If babies are like marriage, and the 1st year is the hardest..its all downhill from here!
After the last week…I think we’ll skip Kael’s birthday next year…its alot of work throwing a party for a 1 year old..
Video from the party is here . (Requires Quicktime (DUH!)) – Still working on getting all the still pictures into iPhoto so we can get them posted.. probably wait until we get some pictures from his ‘real’ birthday (and maybe his first haircut) on Monday/Tuesday before I upload those.
Thanks to the fine folks over at Starland I was able to attend a sneak peak of Aliens Vs Predator tonight.
Overall – A good movie. Although, I think this is going to be one of those movies that you either love, or hate… I don’t think there is going to be much of a middle ground.
Bad – way too SHORT!!!!!! The flick was nowhere near as long as I would have liked. Not a reason to not go though… I’m hoping the DVD release will have some extra footage
Good – Everything else… Good FX, Good Acting, Decent Story… I don’t remember much from the original AvP Comics.. I read them long ago… so I couldn’t tell you if the story in the movie is anywhere near the one from the Comics..and frankly.. I don’t think I’d care to much if it wasn’t. I like the story and how they worked both Aliens and Predators in…
Makes me want to add the Predator and Alien movies to my Netflix list… except.. I know that they’ll be on EVERYONE’s netflix list within the next week or so…
Favorite line from the movie: “Its like a condom. I’d rather have it, and not need it, then need it and not have it.” Soundtrack for the movie is available through the iTunes music store..and I think this is the first movie, that actually had that information in the credits…first I remember at any rate.
Oh yeah..the one trailer attached was for a movie called Taxi… it looks absolutely hilarious! Jimmy Fallon/Queen Latifah
Kael has been cruising around while holding on to something for awhile now, with the occasional step by himself.
Yesterday and today, he really started taking off on his own. We caught some of it on tape, ran it through iMovie.. and its now up for public consumption. I suppose this means our relatively ‘calm’ days of Kael only being able to crawl from point A to point B (and everywhere else he decides to go) are gone…. On the plus side, since he can crawl much faster then he can walk (for now), he’s still more apt to crawl over, under, and through whatever gets in his way, then he is to walk around it.
Movie is here. if you don’t have QT, you won’t see anything.. click here to get it (free download from Apple)