Thanks to the fine folks over at Starland I was able to attend a sneak peak of Aliens Vs Predator tonight.
Overall – A good movie. Although, I think this is going to be one of those movies that you either love, or hate… I don’t think there is going to be much of a middle ground.
Bad – way too SHORT!!!!!! The flick was nowhere near as long as I would have liked. Not a reason to not go though… I’m hoping the DVD release will have some extra footage
Good – Everything else… Good FX, Good Acting, Decent Story… I don’t remember much from the original AvP Comics.. I read them long ago… so I couldn’t tell you if the story in the movie is anywhere near the one from the Comics..and frankly.. I don’t think I’d care to much if it wasn’t. I like the story and how they worked both Aliens and Predators in…
Makes me want to add the Predator and Alien movies to my Netflix list… except.. I know that they’ll be on EVERYONE’s netflix list within the next week or so…
Favorite line from the movie: “Its like a condom. I’d rather have it, and not need it, then need it and not have it.” Soundtrack for the movie is available through the iTunes music store..and I think this is the first movie, that actually had that information in the credits…first I remember at any rate.
Oh yeah..the one trailer attached was for a movie called Taxi… it looks absolutely hilarious! Jimmy Fallon/Queen Latifah