Gmail Invites

I’ve got 4 to give away… first four comments with an email address get them. While I still don’t think Google’s ever going to go public with the service (and why should they? look at the demand for invitations from people) I’m willing to pass out the invites I get…

Bye Bye Washington!

Seems like Mother nature really hates the US this month huh?

I mean… Florida gets hit with 3 category 3 or higher hurricanes inside of 6 weeks… dumping enough rain on the state to make Noah’s flood look like a spring shower…New Orleans dodges the bullet and avoids turning into Atlantis (Sounds to me, like if you live in the South Eastern part of the country…now might be a good time to consider relocating!)

And now… Washington is preparing to go the way of Pompeii! In case you’ve missed it Mt. St. Helen’s is getting ready to blow its top. While currently scientists aren’t predicting an eruption as big as the one in 1980…. The way things have been going.. I’m pretty sure they’re wrong.. and it’s going to be a bigger bang then that one..

Oh Yeah… Earthquakes in California… nothing big… But…. next week will probably be their big earthquake that sends them floating out to sea…

Makes me glad I live in Colorado.. what’s mother nature gonna due to us? Make it Snow?