Star Wars

Yesterday, Aspyr announced that SW: KOTOR is shipping.

Its expected to be in stores on the 1st of October… which works out nicely for me..since the first is payday =)

And of course, the big Star Wars news this week, is that the ‘original’ trilogy (episodes 4,5,& 6) go on sale on DVD today… I plan on picking mine up at lunch time from the Virgin MegaStore down the street from my work. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to get the ‘light side’ packaging or the ‘dark side’ packaging. I suppose I should actually wait to see what they have in stock, before I make up my mind. George Lucas, in his never satisfied with his work way, has re-done some more of the movies (in addition to the changes that made these the ‘special editions’ back in the 90s. The Han Solo/Greedo scene that was the source of so much commentary in the special editions, has been re-done, again. Apparently, this time they fire at the same time, and Han dodges Greedo’s shot…

Definitely looking forward to picking up the movies..and spending 6 hours this weekend watching them!