
So..it took about 43 or 44 hours of game play..

but… I beat Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I had purposefully avoided reading to many of the reviews of the PC version.. so that any twists in the story would come as a surprise. And I can say, I honestly did not see the big twist in the game coming… I’m not going to say what it was here, in case there is anyone reading this playing the game that hasn’t found the twist yet. But, for those of you who have played the game..you know what twist I’m talking about.

When I played it through this time, I played it ‘good’ and went towards the light side. I’m curious as to the story differences if I were to go through it as a dark sider… Maybe I’ll run it through again… of course, if anyone’s played it through dark side, you could always let me know what the differences in the story arc are.

All in all, I’m impressed with the game, even though my iMac doesn’t meet the system requirements, the game play was still smooth (for the most part, it did bog down and get a little screwy in areas where there were lots of characters, and lots of interaction (background changes, sky changes, etc…) but.. even those were livable (once I got the hang of controlling my character in those areas). If it didn’t take almost 50 hours to play all the way through, I’d probably play it through several more times. But, 50 hours is a lot…so I’ll probably run it through 1 more time to play evil.. and then shelve it, until KOTOR2 gets released, then I’ll play again, while waiting for the Mac version of KOTOR2 to get released.

Star Wars: Episode III Trailer

It premiered Friday in front of Pixar’s The Incredibles..so, of course its making its way around the ‘net.

I found a decent copy here. Its about 10 megs.. so if you’re on a slower connection you might want to wait for the official trailer release on Starwars.com or Apple’s Quicktime Trailer site so that you can pick from different resolutions.

My thoughts…. I can’t wait for May!!!! From what’s been revealed in the trailer, it looks like a fitting ‘end’ to the Star Wars Saga (or at least… the movies set in the SW Universe). I know Lucas has said on numerous occasions that all he plans on doing is 1-6, so, unless he has a major change of heart.. this is it… Although.. it now appears that there is a TV series being considered, and I’m sure the Comics and Books – And hopefully the RPG will continue to expand the universe..

I’m thrilled with the glimpses of Wookiees on Kashyyk, The emperor in a Lightsaber duel…the quick glimpses of space combat… from what I’ve seen, the opening combat sequences is supposed to be one of the best, and longest in movie history! I wonder if January is to soon to go stand in line?