
Ok.. so its been awhile since I last updated the Blog…..

Blame TiVo and Knights of the Old Republic between not having to worry about missing any of the shows we try to watch at night (who knew having a toddler would make it so hard to watch CSI?) and spending about 22 hours so far playing the game (this time around… I restarted after I’d played for about 23 hours….) I’ve barely been able to keep up on my email… let alone my normal internet surfing/posting/whatever…

So.. I finally got around to posting some pictures of what Kael has been up to this fall… you can get to them here.

He’s been a busy little trouble maker… we went to Anderson Farms, which is a pumpkin patch/corn maze out in rural Colorado. He had a blast.. at one point, he did fall off a hay bail while I was watching him.. and like any good father.. instead of catching the baby…I took a quick picture of it!

He loves pumpkins, he’s discovered Ketchup…and, I’ve lost count of the number of words that make up his vocabulary. We’re planning on taking him to see The Incredibles this week since it looks like something he’ll sit through. I let him watch the trailer for Cars this morning before I went to work, and he was screaming ‘Car!, Car! Car!’ through most of the trailer… so I guess we know what we’ll be doing the first part of November of next year…

We took him to Boo at the Zoo – its become a tradition for us to go there for Halloween now – Kael went dressed as Elmo.. and the poor kid was so confused because kids and parents would keep pointing at him and saying ‘Look..there’s Elmo’ and he kept turning around trying to see Elmo. After a bit, he stopped turning to look, and just started laughing..