I saw this on CNN yesterday, and no matter how many times I see articles about stupid people suing because they (or their family) did something stupid…it never stops pissing me off
I mean… come on! The daughter committed suicide.. it is NOT Walmart’s fault, the gun maker’s fault or anyone else’s fault except the daughters. Period. I can’t belive this woman is dumb enough to think that walmart (or any reseller) should
A: Break federal HIPPA (Health Information Privacy Protection Act) laws by going through the pharmacy records to see if anyone has a prescription. News flash… I’d be willing to bet that if Walmart did break the law and go through pharmacy records this lady would be suing them for violating her daughter’s privacy!
B: Ask why someone is buying something? C’mon your daughter LIED on the background check form.. which means she comitted PERJURY… Besides, have you ever actually shopped at Walmart lady? It takes for ever to get through the checkout lanes anyway, can you imagine how much longer it would take if they had to ask why people were buying things?
Walmart Cashier: “Nice bottle of bleach, why are you buying it?”
Customer: “To brighten my whites”
Cashier: “Oh, this is a nice set of steak knives, what are you going to use them for?”
Customer: “Ummm… to cut steak with.”
Repeat 50 times for the other items in the cart.
So, I hope that whatever judge hears this case, has got enough common sense to just throw it out, and hopefully, Walmart will counter sue for the lady for filing a frivolous lawsuit.