iBlog to MovableType

Since I’ve mentioned it last time, I’ve been playing with Movable Type

Which really translates out to me having installed OSX Server on one of the iBooks, and installed MT onto that so I could play with configuration, templates, etc…

And I think that while MT definitely requires more initial configuration then iBlog does, it also provides much more flexibility once up and running. The only drawback I’ve come across so far (other then the fact that I don’t know how to code CSS sheets, which limits the customizing I can do) is that there doesn’t appear to be any way to import iBlogs entries into Movable Type. I googled iBlog to Movable Type, and I came across one reference to a python script that someone’s husband wrote to convert their iBlog stuff over to MT….I downloaded that..ran it through terminal… and ended up with nothing happening. Which means one of 3 things

1- iBlog’s data files have changed since the script was written (a year ago I think)

2-The script worked, but I can’t find the converted file

3-I’m running the script incorrectly, since I have no experience with Python.

I’m thinking that its actually #3…

Which means that if I do convert to MT….I’m either going to have to re-enter all the blog entries from here, or keep a link up to this blog as a ‘pre-MT’ archive.

Its just something for me to consider when I decide to switch or not…. of course.. if anyone does know how to import an iBlog blog into Movable Type, I’d love to hear about it.