And all this time, I thought that what was stopping people who spent alot of time on the computer from having babies…was the fact that they didn’t have girlfriends (or boyfriends)
Turns out… according to a bunch of researchers in London… it actually has nothing to do with the computer user’s ability to date… apparently, all us laptop users are roasting our fertility away…like chestnuts on an open fire (awww..wasn’t that a sweet christmas’y thought?)
See this article which says that without even turning your laptop on, you’re warming up the little guys by a balmy 2.1 degrees Celsius (umm… I was going to convert that to Farenheit, since I’m American and don’t use Celsius…but… I don’t remember how.. maybe I should have paid more attention in school?) and when you fire it up… it goes up by another 2.8 degrees C… making your crotch down right tropical apparently!
So..apparently, spending significant amounts of time on the computer (provided its a laptop) is an effective method of birth control! =)