Since the United States Department of Justice and our Current administration wimped out on punishing Microsoft for being an illegal monopoly (and abusing it)
Its nice to see that at least one Justice system in the world is willing to stand up to Microsoft. You remember waaay back in March when the European Union found Microsoft guilty of abusing its monopoly power to stifle competition right? And unlike the US, they actually delivered a sentence that comes closer to being real punishment! At the time, they were told to open up some of the Windows Server protocols so that other companies software would run on Windows Server, and they were told to release Windows without Windows Media Player installed (do you think they could have been forced to release a version of windows that doesn’t suck instead?)
Microsoft, of course, appealed the decision and hasn’t complied with the sentence yet. Yesterday. a EU court informed Microsoft that they must comply with the decision, even if they are appealing it. So, it looks like some lucky (well…as lucky as you can be if your a windows user) European Windows users will be able to get a slightly less sucky version of windows for Christmas!