Somehow… I don’t remember this kind of stuff happening at any of the schools I went to
If you’re wondering what I’m talking about… read this.
Personally, I definitely wouldn’t mind see a bunch of college girls running around nekkid. My guess is, its got to cause some of the students to have lower grades then they might otherwise…due to the distractions. I think the dean is overreacting… its harmless nudity, and I agree with the guy they interviewed at the end of the CNN article, where he states “… We are too uptight about nudity in this country.” He’s right, I mean.. look at all the puritan fallout from a 2 second glimpse of Janet Jackson’s boob… we’re still seeing the Federal Censorship Committee tighten their reigns over the various media outlets..hell.. some ABC (I think it was ABC) stations wouldn’t even air Saving Private Ryan…because they were afraid the Censorship Police would fine them..even after the network promised to pay any fines levied by the puritan police.
I wonder what would happen if everyone mailed all the FCC members a picture of a naked person… and a tape recording yelling FUCK!
My guess is..they’d find some way to try and outlaw cameras and pens…in order to protect us from ourselves..
I still wonder if the people who got so upset about Janet’s boob (and everything since then) shower with their clothes on so they don’t have to see any nakedness.