Comcast DVR: The Review

Friday, Comcast sent a tech out to swap out our HDTV cable box, for the new HDTV/DVR box. Since my big complaint about my TiVo Series 2 is that I can’t record HD in HD, I figured I’d give the Comcast box a try for a month or two, to see how it stacks up against the TiVo.

My first complaint – Comcast had to send a tech out to do the install… I would have preferred to just go into one of the local offices and swap hardware myself..I hate having to let the install techs play around with my stuff. According to the rep I ordered it from, its because the DVRs are so new to the area they are in limited supply. With that out of the way… read on for the actual review…

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Vivendi Universal/Knowledge Adventure

Kael’s gotten a little bored with Baby Banger, so last time we went buy our closest Apple Store, we decided to pick him up a new game or two. Now, knowing like I do that the kids edutainment titles are WAAAY out of date (there are kids’ titles out there, still selling, that will run on System 7!) I made sure to check the system requirements very closely. Since I don’t run ANY OS 9 software, I don’t have the classic environment installed on any of our computers. When I purchase/trial/use software at this point, if it doesn’t run natively under OS X, and its a ‘new’ (meaning less then 3 years old) title, I don’t buy it.

We decided on Jumpstart Advanced – Toddlers for him, and the system requirements don’t make any mention of Classic. Here they are as listed on the box:

PowerMac G3 266 Mhz, OS 9.2.1 OS 10.1.5 OS 10.2.3, 64MB of RAM (128MB RAM for 10.1.2 and up), 16x CD-ROM drive, 16 Bit Color

Continue reading Vivendi Universal/Knowledge Adventure

Spammer Lawsuit

Any of the recent lawsuits regarding Spammers have been good lawsuits, in case you missed them, they’ve been filed by states against spammers who violated the incredibly weak “Can-Spam” act.

This lawsuit however, falls under the ‘not good’ category. A notorious spammer has decided that people reporting him as a Spammer is malicious and he has filed suit.

Surprisingly, the courts didn’t throw this out right off the bat as a frivolous lawsuit. Hopefully, once it goes to trial, it will get thrown out. This is a good cause to donate to, so feel free to throw the guy a few bucks via paypal.