Yes… again… After spending awhile (read that as since I switched to GoDaddy for hosting). I’ve been unable to get parts of the website (really, just the blogs..since thats all thats really hosted outside of .Mac) working properly.. the typekey logins wouldn’t work for the commenting system, I couldn’t install MT-Blacklist to help prevent comment spam (apparently, this blog hasn’t made it to the bigtimes yet, as I have never suffered from comment spam). I also didn’t like the fact that GoDaddy limited my server access to FTP only (and not even SFTP at that). Pricewise, GoDaddy still offers the best prices for domain registration services, so I’m going to keep renewing my domains through them. But, today, I switched over to Dreamhost for the hosting of So far, I like their services – I get shell access, easy to configure domain/sub domain information, SQL databases that don’t seem to time out (another problem I had with GoDaddy).
I’ve got 91 days to decide if I like them enough to stay for good (after day 92, I can’t get my money back). Hopefully, this will be the last server hop for the site for awhile.
Hi Dan,
Just dropping by, I also have some trouble with GoDaddy hosting. As for now, I’m trying to move to a new hosting. So, do you recommend a switch to other host? I took the $9.95 p/m unix package with godaddy.
I definetly recommend switching…Since I made the switch to Dreamhost, I’ve been very happy with their service..I recommend switching to them.. they are a bit more expensive then GoDaddy.. depending on what you need..but they seem to be worth it… if you do switch, please follow the link in the entry, so I get referral credit… thanks!